How to eat monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is used as a condiment in our daily cooking. However, do you know that eating too much is not good for our health? How can MSG be healthier? Hurry to understand it!

MSG contains sodium, excessive intake can cause high blood pressure. The elderly are particularly sensitive to sodium intake, so elderly people and people with high blood pressure, kidney disease, edema, and other diseases should eat less MSG.

When MSG is consumed too much and exceeds the body's metabolic capacity, it may even lead to increased glutamate levels in the blood, limiting the body's use of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and copper. In particular, glutamic acid can be combined with zinc in the blood to produce zinc glutamate that cannot be used to be excreted, resulting in zinc deficiency in the human body. Zinc is an important nutrient for the physical and mental development of infants and young children. Therefore, infants and young children are Breast-feeding mothers should fast or eat less MSG. The WHO stipulates that foods for children under 1 year of age should not use monosodium glutamate. In China, it is stipulated that foods for children under 12 years old should not be added with MSG, so parents should allow children to eat more natural flavor foods. In addition, recent studies have suggested that excessive consumption of monosodium glutamate for a long time may lead to thinning of the retina, loss of vision, and even blindness.

By the way, the chicken essence that has appeared on the market in recent years is not extracted from chickens. It is made by adding nucleotides that are based on MSG. Because nucleotides have the flavor of chicken, they are called chicken essences. From a health point of view, chicken essence is also non-toxic and harmless to the human body.

Scientific food MSG, should also do the following in cooking:

1. For dishes prepared with soup, MSG does not need to be used. Because the soup itself has the characteristics of fresh, fragrant, and clear, using MSG will cover up the taste and the dishes will taste neither fish nor fowl.

2, for strong acid dishes, such as: sweet and sour, vinegar leeks, etc., should not use MSG. Because monosodium glutamate is not easily soluble in acidic environments, the greater the acidity, the lower the solubility and the worse the umami effect.

3. Monosodium glutamate should not be used in dishes containing alkaline ingredients, because monosodium glutamate meets alkali to synthesize glutamic acid disodium, which produces ammonia odor.

4. The amount of MSG should be used when it is used. If the amount is too much, it will cause bitter taste in the dish and cause the opposite effect. Each dish should not exceed 0.5 mg.

5, use MSG to cook, should be added when the pot. Because at high temperatures, monosodium glutamate decomposes into sodium pyroglutamate, which is dehydrated sodium glutamate, which not only has no umami taste, but also produces toxins that harm the human body.


The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.


1. Primary agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency, etc.

2. Secondary immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of newborn, etc

3. Autoimmune diseases, such as primary thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin,Intravenous Immunoglobulin,High-Quality Effective Intravenous Immunoglobulin,Human Immunoglobulin For Intravenous Injection

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