Prevention and Control of Onion Leaf Flakes

The plants that are harmed show that the larvae drilled on the leaves and sheaths of the onion to feed on the leaves and the epidermis, and formed irregular, gray-white dip stalks. The larvae drilled on the onion leaves throughout the sneak to harm the veins. Caused the wilting of the green onions to die.

In areas with severe damage to leaf miners, agricultural control must take into account the layout of vegetables, and plants that are not endangered by leafflies should be interplanted with welsh onions. Appropriate evacuation increases permeability. Clean up the diseased leaves that are damaged by leaf miners in time, and bury them deeply, burn them or fatten them.

Drug control can be sprayed with 2% avermectin 1000 times solution. In addition, leaf fly flies in different periods need to be controlled differently. Before the second instar larvae (worm road is very small), spraying 98% of the original basal powder 1500 to 2000 times or 1.8% of edestin EC 3000 to 4000 times, 48% of LS, 800 to 1000 times, 25% kill Insect bisulfide 500 times, 98% insecticidal monosoluble powder 800 times, 50% fly maggot powder 2000 times; 8 to 12 hours of adult eclosion peak application of 5% fipronil suspension, 5% inhibition Taibao EC 2000 times solution, 5% stuck solution 2000 times liquid effect is good.

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