Choline can fight Alzheimer's disease

Choline can fight Alzheimer's disease

January 28, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - Life Times

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The treatment of Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) is one of the formidable challenges facing modern medicine and global healthcare institutions. The disease has begun to cause damage to the brain long before the symptoms appeared. Once diagnosed, it is difficult to cure. The Institute of Biodesign of Arizona State University recently discovered a safe and simple treatment for Alzheimer's disease - increasing choline intake.

Ramon Wallax and Salvador Otto of the Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases at Arizona State University studied the effects and effects of choline. They found that adding choline to the diet of experimental mice not only protects the brains of mice during pregnancy and lactation, but also has better memory for offspring than those with normal levels of choline. This suggests that the offspring of mice that ingested choline inherit genetic changes.

The researchers said that choline protects the brain from Alzheimer's disease through two channels. First, choline helps reduce the level of homocysteine. The latter is a powerful neurotoxin that causes neurodegeneration and the formation of amyloid plaques, doubling the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease. Choline acts as a chemical transformant that converts harmful homocysteine ​​into a beneficial methionine. Second, choline can reduce the activation of microglia. Although the latter acts to remove debris from the brain, the activated microglia are prone to runaway, causing inflammation of the brain and eventually killing neurons. The researchers say the findings may provide new possibilities for treating a range of intergenerational diseases.

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