Common sugar-control vegetables in life

Diabetes diet control is the most important horse in the Diabetes treatment troika. Dietary mixes increase the proportion of vegetables, such as one meal, and vegetables account for more than half. The good control effect of diabetes for the adjuvant treatment of diabetes can better control calories and stabilize blood sugar. Many vegetables have very low blood sugar. With good help, we recommend a basket of common "sugar-control" vegetables today.


Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is called "plant insulin." Pharmacological tests have found that the bitter gourd saponin contained in bitter gourd not only has the effect similar to insulin, but also stimulates insulin release, which has a very significant hypoglycemic effect. Some people use oral treatment of bitter melon saponins to treat type 2 diabetes. Therefore, proper intake of bitter melon in diabetic patients is beneficial to controlling blood sugar.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: broad beans

Broad bean fiber is rich in dietary fiber, which can reduce the postprandial blood glucose level to a certain extent. More attractive is that it can also prevent the complications of hypertension.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: tomatoes

Tomato is a generation of "fruit" dishes recommended by doctors for diabetics. It has the functions of thirst, stomach and digestion, detoxification, cooling blood and liver, nourishing blood and increasing appetite; blood pressure lowering and diuretic sodium discharge Vitamin C, rutin, lycopene and acid can lower blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The other contains a large amount of potassium and alkaline minerals, can promote the discharge of sodium in the blood, there is blood pressure, diuretic, swelling effect, for hypertension, kidney disease have a good adjuvant therapy.

Diabetes hypoglycemic must-select vegetables: cauliflower

Cauliflower boiled can also have a very delicious taste, so many people like to eat. And cauliflower but need to be reminded that the cauliflower should not be overcooked cotton, otherwise it will lead to the loss of nutrients.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: peas

Pea is rich in mineral chromium, which can effectively regulate blood sugar and improve glucose tolerance. Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: mushrooms contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, to promote the body's metabolism, improve the body's adaptability has a great effect.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: mushrooms

Mushrooms contain a variety of vitamins and minerals and play a significant role in promoting the body's metabolism and improving the body's resilience. It also has therapeutic effects on diabetes, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, and neuritis, as well as indigestion, constipation, and weight loss.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: cabbage

Rich in plant fiber and a large number of vitamins can improve diabetic gastrointestinal neuropathy, relieve constipation. Studies have shown that cabbage can help patients with type 2 diabetes to control blood sugar.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: lettuce

Rich in nicotinic acid, niacin is an insulin activator, and regular consumption helps prevent and treat diabetes. Lettuce stimulates gastrointestinal motility and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on diabetes-induced gastroparesis and constipation. The high potassium contained in lettuce can promote urination and lower blood pressure.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: onion

S-methylcysteine ​​sulfoxide contained in onion not only has the effect of blood glucose, but also has the effect of lowering blood fat. Onion is also rich in sulphonureibutyric acid, which acts as a hypoglycemic agent by promoting the conversion of sugar to cells. The role. Onion contains prostaglandin A, can reduce human peripheral vascular resistance, lower blood pressure, and can increase renal blood flow and urine output, and promote sodium and potassium excretion, which is helpful for the prevention of diabetic kidney complications.

Diabetic sugar control must-select vegetables: green pepper

The sun-dried elements in green peppers can promote the absorption of sugar by cells, so that postprandial blood glucose does not rise too fast. Adjust blood sugar.

Doctors reminded that diet control is the most important horse in the treatment of diabetes in the troika. The control diet of diabetics is not pure sugar control, but should control the total calorie intake while maintaining a balanced intake of nutrients, small meals, and alcohol . Under the doctor's knowledge, regular quantitative meals, the average daily total calorie intake should be quantified. This blood glucose is more stable, body health!

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