Mushroom pest control

Today's green food has become the mainstream of food, but in actual production, mushroom farmers use a large number of chemical drugs in order to control pests, thus leaving a large number of mushroom products residual drugs, both to the health of consumers posed hidden dangers, but also since the plug mushroom products Into the market, especially the path to enter the international market. So, how to prevent “green” pests?

1. Strengthen physical prevention. Measures include: The construction of mushroom sheds should be kept away from toilets, rubbish, dung and other places, so that the environment is less insects or no insects; the raw and auxiliary materials are exposed to strong sunlight, to avoid carrying eggs or live insects; the vents and import and export of mushroom sheds, etc. Enclose the insect nets and sprinkle lime barriers at the vents and entrances and exits to prevent reptiles from entering.

2. Reasonably choose drugs. Within a certain distance from the shed, insecticides such as trichlorfon and dichlorvos may be used to cut off pests. Out-of-shelf and vents, imports and exports, use high-effective low-residue drugs to spray, to prevent reptiles from entering. The use of green biological drugs in the shed effectively repels insects. The mechanism of action of the drug is to use insecticides that are not favored by the adults of the mushrooms and insects of the genus Mushrooms to repel them, so that the adults do not dare to spawn and are afraid to enter the shed, and thus cannot be harmed. How to use: Spray once in 2~3 days. In areas with 200 times concentration, where the environment is poor and the population density is high, the concentration can be increased to about 100 times, or the interval between medications can be reduced to 1 to 2 days.

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