Research reveals the mechanism of exercise to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes

Research reveals the mechanism of exercise to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes

January 10, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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Physical activity is beneficial to people with diabetes and other insulin resistance. One of the reasons is that physical activity may only increase insulin utilization, so physical activity can reduce the risk of diabetes, but the mechanism is still unclear. A recent study by the Department of Nutrition and Kineiology at the University of Copenhagen shows that adenylate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) plays an important role in enhancing insulin-stimulated muscle utilization of glucose, a breakthrough that will benefit People make full use of physical activity to improve their health.

According to Jørgen Wojtaszewski, the head of the work, “AMPK is a determinant of muscle sensitivity to insulin, so muscles can absorb glucose after exercise. Our research has shown that AMPK plays a very important role in muscle, this is The result of our many years of hard work."

In addition, he added: "This is good news for patients with reduced insulin sensitivity. We can activate AMPK through drugs or physical activity to enhance the insulin utilization of these people."

The main experiment in this study was done in mice. The genes that transcribe AMPK in these mouse skeletal muscles were knocked out, and it was found that the muscles of these mice did not improve their sensitivity to insulin after exercise. In the past few years, the team has conducted a series of experiments to show that AMPK may have a similar effect in human muscle. In addition, they found that activation of AMPK by drugs last year can increase the sensitivity of mouse muscle to insulin.

“Although sports are highly regarded because it can improve physical health in many ways, our research shows that people with limited physical activity can improve their health through drugs, including people with disabilities and those who need to stay in bed for several days. And people who are unwilling to exercise," said Dr. Rasmus Kjøbsted, the first author of the study.

He added: "In addition, our research suggests that some physical activity may be more effective in enhancing muscle sensitivity to insulin than in other ways, but further research is needed to determine this finding."

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