What should I not eat for breakfast on an empty stomach?

What can't you eat on an empty stomach?

The energy provided by breakfast should account for 25-30% of the total energy of the whole day. The principle is "a comprehensive and balanced nutrition." Must have cereals, animal foods, milk or dairy products, but also vegetables and fruits. These foods have a sequence, then you know that breakfast can not eat on an empty stomach? What can't you eat for breakfast?


1, coffee. Coffee stimulates the gastric mucosa, increases the secretion of gastric juice, promotes duodenal peristalsis, and promotes digestion. Therefore, coffee should be consumed after a meal and it cannot be consumed before breakfast.

2, milk. Many people have the habit of eating an early morning fasting and drinking a glass of milk. It is simple, convenient, and nutritious. Milk is indeed a good choice for breakfast, but it should not be used on an empty stomach. Fasting milk, milk will be rapidly excreted, and the nutrients are too late to be absorbed by the body.

3, bananas. Bananas have a good effect on the human body, but if eaten in an empty stomach, it will suddenly increase the amount of magnesium in the blood. To know that magnesium is one of the sensitive elements that affect the heart function, if you eat bananas in an empty stomach for a long time, it will induce heart disease.

4, cold water or carbonated drinks. Even in normal times, drinking too much cold water can cause vasospasm and increase digestion difficulty. Experts suggest that you can drink a cup of warm water after the morning to help cleanse the stomach and restore the body's moisture. However, it needs to be slow when drinking.

5, desserts. Having an empty stomach to eat dessert will increase insulin in the body and make people hungry faster. And the yeast in the dessert will increase the intestinal tract, leading to discomfort in the stomach. Of course, food is irresistible. For health reasons, you can have dessert or coffee after drinking oatmeal or eating an omelette.

6, orange juice. The sesame oil in the acid also stimulates the inflammation of the mucous membrane. Experts recommend drinking orange juice after drinking the porridge. Or you can freeze orange juice for 10-15 minutes, which can effectively reduce the sesame oil.

7, pineapple. In the case of an empty stomach, you cannot eat pineapple. This is because pineapple contains strong enzymes. If it is eaten in an empty stomach, it will seriously damage the health of the stomach. In addition, the nutrients contained in the pineapple must be fully absorbed by the body after eating.

8, yogurt products. Bacteria in the yoghurt have a corrosive effect on the empty stomach, and drinking before the meal does not benefit the body. Experts recommend drinking the best 45 minutes after breakfast.

9, wheat bran. Wheat bran can reduce people's hunger, but it is like a sponge, it will absorb a lot of water, leading to bloating, but also make people increase gastric acid secretion, stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, fasting food easily lead to gastroenteritis.

10, vinegar, garlic. Do not drink vinegar or garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. Fasting and drinking vinegar can cause excessive stomach acid and hurt the stomach; while allicin can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa and intestinal wall, causing stomach cramps.


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