High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of High-yielding Rapeseed "Shilifeng"

Rapeseed is a kind of winter crop with both oil and fat, low investment, quick effect, and high economic benefit. In recent years, vigorously developing and planting high-quality rapeseed has become one of the main measures for the increase of economic income of farmers in our region, especially in mountain areas. In order to increase the efficiency of rape cultivation and increase farmers' income, we focus on the following aspects in production:
1. Growth habits “Shilifeng” belongs to Brassica napus and has superior comprehensive high yield, resistance to fertilizers and lodging, outstanding resistance to cold and disease, strong adaptability, high yield potential, good ripeness, stable yield, high oil content, excellent oil quality, etc. Characteristics, suitable for planting in most areas of our district,
Second, nursery transfer, timely sowing, cultivation of strong seedlings "Shilifeng" rape is a late-maturing varieties, long growth period, it is best to use seedling transplanting, in order to give full play to its high yield performance. In southern Guangxi, Guidong and Guizhong, from mid-September to late October, planting in northern Guangxi in mid-September is appropriate. Seed bed as far as possible to choose fertile, loose, drainage and irrigation convenient land, and try to be flat, fine soil, according to acres with 2000-2500 kg of farmyard manure plus 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer, mix thoroughly and evenly sprinkled on the surface Mix it with a spade or a hoe. After sowing, mixed with fine soil and tilled, quantitatively sowing, cover shallow soil. One week after sowing, it is required to moisten the surface of the soil. When it grows to three leaves, it is sprayed with 15% of paclobutrazol. If drought occurs, it should be soaked with water. At the same time, attention should be paid to the control of damping-off and aphids, moths, etc.
Third, fine soil preparation, adequate basal fertilization, timely transplanting, rational close planting because of my area before the rapeseed mostly for rice, soil heavy weight, poor ventilation, low soil temperature, wet sticky and tough, hard dry, so we in the rice field Immediately after harvest, plowing, fine hoeing, so that the soil loose, finely crushed, smooth. Weeding and weeding, we use 2000 kg of farmyard manure and 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer to supply nutrient requirements during the whole breeding process of rapeseed, so as not to cause premature aging and promote fruit development. Rapeseed seedlings are suitable for 30-35 days, and about 7000 mu are planted. In order to improve the quality of transplanting, the day before transplanting, the seedbed should be soaked with water to make the soil moist during drought, so as to raise seedlings, reduce root damage, and strictly select seedlings to remove diseased seedlings, weak seedlings and inferior seedlings. When transplanting, it is necessary to “three belts”, that is, to bring soil, fertilize, and transplant with drugs, transplant seedlings while transplanting, and set root water at the same time to prevent dehydration and wilting and increase the survival rate.
Fourth, strengthen field management
1, fertilization early application Miao Fei, after transplanting about 10 acres of urea 3-5 kg, potassium 5 kg. Reapplying the moss fertilizer, when the rape began to bud bolt, Mushi urea 10 kg, potassium 5 kg. At the end of the harvest period, 0.2% urea or potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 60 kg of active boron fertilizer solution was sprayed to increase grain yield and yield.
2. Reasonable water "Silicon" rape is afraid of flooding and drought, it is necessary to do a good job of flood prevention and drought prevention, in case of rain weather, to clear the ditch drainage. 3 to 4 days after transplanting, in case of sunny days, watering every day to promote survival, moss growth or maturity can not be lack of water, water shortage has a great impact on the yield, this period to keep the soil moist.
3. Pay attention to pest control
1. Rhizoctonia with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times liquid 60 kg spray
2. White rust mu 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times or 15% triadimefon WP 2000 times liquid 60 kg spray 1-2 times
3. Sclerotinia, downy mildew mu 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000 times or 80% carbendazim wettable powder 600-800 times liquid 60 kg spray, with early flowering and late flowering period is the best, Or use 50% dexamethasone aqueous solution 800 times, mu with liquid 60 ~ 75 kg sprayed once a week, and even spray 2 times to achieve the desired control effect.
4. Vegetable locusts, diamondback moth acres with 5% beta cypermethrin 600 times added Avena clear 1000 times 60 kg or 40% dimethoate EC 1500 times, 75 to 100 kg per mu spray.
5. Timely Harvest Because rapeseed has the first maturation habit of flowering and sprouting first and then flowering first, when more than two-thirds of the fields in the field appear light yellow, the seed coat of the main inflorescence stem seed has been present Intrinsic color can be harvested, and grasp the following points: (1), it is best to select the morning after the dew does not dry out of the drying field after the cooling off for a long time, and then pile up 3-5 days for its maturity, can increase the oil content of 1000-grain weight (2), After threshing, the seed must be sun dried in a timely manner. After being cooled, store it in the warehouse (3). The storage location should be low-temperature and dry, check in time to prevent mildewing, and the conditions can be used to squeeze oil.

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