Scientists have identified a "gate hammer" of common respiratory viruses

Scientists have identified a "gate hammer" of common respiratory viruses

July 04, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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A common respiratory virus that threatens infants and the elderly can inhibit the body's immune system and cause infection. American scientists have recently clarified the structure of the key proteins that the virus uses to invade the human body, helping to develop effective prevention and treatment methods.

Respiratory syncytial virus is a respiratory virus that spreads through droplets and contact. If it infects the trachea and lungs, it can cause mild flu-like symptoms. For infants and the elderly with low immunity, the virus can cause high fever, pneumonia, etc., and may cause death. Due to the lack of effective vaccines and drugs, current treatments are still dominated by isolation care.

Scientists have long known that the virus suppresses the body's immune response with a protein called NS1, making it impossible for immune cells to attack the invaders properly, but the structure of the protein was not known before. Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine reported in the UK's new issue of Nature Microbiology that they used X-ray diffraction techniques to analyze the structure of the NS1 protein.

The function of a protein is determined by its structure. The analysis found that the NS1 protein has a special structure called "Alpha 3 Helix", which may be a "breaking hammer" that invades the human body. The researchers engineered genes that control NS1 protein synthesis to produce some variant viruses, and found that if the alpha 3 helix structure mutated, the virus would lose its ability to suppress immune responses.

The researchers said that the virus uses the alpha 3 helix to suppress the immune response, further reducing the immunity of the otherwise weak patients, creating conditions for virus invasion and reproduction. The development of vaccines and drugs for this spiral is expected to help the immune system fight the virus.

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