Zinc supplementation should be appropriate

Zinc is one of the trace elements necessary for the growth and development of vegetables, and many vegetables have obvious effect of increasing zinc production. Applying zinc fertilizer can increase yield and improve quality. Reasonable use of zinc fertilizer can play a supporting role in the prevention and treatment of viral diseases, so the use of zinc fertilizer can not be ignored.

Although zinc production is needed for vegetable production, it does not mean that the amount of zinc fertilizer should be used as much as possible. The vegetable farmer must give appropriate amount of zinc fertilizer to the vegetables.

Do not overdosage

The reason why zinc fertilizer is micro-fertilizer is that the crop needs less of it, and the application amount is too toxic to the crops (some vegetable farmers use 3 kg of zinc sulfate in the base fertilizer, and the latter is also frequently replenished with zinc fertilizer. Zinc sulphate reached 250 grams), resulting in stagnant crop growth, small and thin leaves, affecting normal photosynthesis.

Do not apply continuously in base fertilizer

Zinc fertilizer as a base fertilizer is generally valid for a long period of time, once applied, sustainable for 1-2 years. In addition to severe zinc-deficient soil, zinc fertilizer is recommended to be applied once a year. However, in practical production, vegetable farmers apply zinc fertilizer at the end of every vegetable planting, resulting in zinc fertilizer applied twice a year, which leads to excess zinc in the soil and inhibits the absorption of other elements in the soil.

Do not mix with alkaline fertilizers, alkaline pesticides

When zinc is mixed with alkaline fertilizers, it will react and reduce the fertilizer effect. Similarly, the combination of zinc and alkaline pesticides reduces the effectiveness of zinc and the efficacy of pesticides. Moreover, if zinc fertilizers are mixed with phosphate fertilizers, it is easy to form zinc phosphate precipitation, which not only reduces the effectiveness of zinc, but also reduces the fertilizer efficiency of phosphorus, so they should not be used at the same time.

Therefore, when zinc fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer, no matter if it is a large vegetable, or cultivated for more than one year, it can be applied once at the end of the year. According to the degree of zinc deficiency in soil, 0.5 to 2 kg of zinc sulfate per mu is used as base fertilizer. When used as top dressing, 0.75-1 kg of zinc sulfate per mu is mixed with fine soil applicator. When the foliar spray is applied, 90-180 g of zinc sulfate per acre is used to spray 60 kg of water on a sunny day. When used, it is best to use it alone to avoid reaction with other chemical fertilizers and affect the absorption of zinc by crops.

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