Boar Infertility Treatment Nutrition Infertility

Long-term malnutrition, especially protein (such as beans, fish meal, silkworm cocoon, blood meal, etc.), amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, E, C, 8, etc.), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, selenium, etc.) Insufficient, boar fat, too thin can cause infertility.

Disease infertility

Infections such as viral infections (JE), bacterial infections (erysipelas, brucellosis), parasites in the body and the body, toxoplasmosis, sunstroke, and heat shots may cause boar lack of sexual desire or lack of libido. In addition, orchitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis, dermatitis, dystrophy, arthritis, muscle pain, infertility, etc. can all cause mating difficulties or mating failure.

Poor quality of semen

Poor sperm quality includes azoospermia, low sperm density, poor sperm motility, or abnormal spermatozoa. In addition to nutritional factors, the poor semen quality is mostly the sequela of hot diseases, especially the pneumonia caused by pathogens such as erysipelas and toxoplasmosis, sunradiopathy, testicular inflammation, etc. all can lead to decreased spermatogenic capacity and reduced sperm motility.

Functional infertility

The main cause is congenital genital hypoplasia or deformity (such as cryptorchidism, testis or epididymis is not developed, acute or chronic diseases caused by reproductive organ dysplasia).

Infertility caused by sexual activity. The penis is seriously injured or frightened when mating or harvesting. There are diseases in the limbs, arthritis in the hindquarters or vertebrae.

When the boar is bred, the libido does not thrive and the penis cannot be erect, which is also a cause of boar infertility. Such as excessive use or long-term no mating tasks, mixed polygamy, lack of exercise, body condition too fat, too thin, old and weak, mature body and immature or sexual maturity and the weight is not up to standard, the weather is too cold, overheating, etc. , can lead to no ejaculation or penis can not erect.


Do a good job of disease prevention and control, lay a good prevention needle, regularly drive internal and external parasites, and strengthen the housing and environmental disinfection.

Regularly check the quality of semen, find problems and analyze the treatment in time.

Congenital hypoplasia, malformation, or other injuries should be left or eliminated as appropriate.


Find out the cause and treat or treat it in a targeted way.

Intramuscular injection of testosterone phenylacetate 10 mg to 25 mg once every other day for 2 to 3 consecutive times.

Injection of anterior pituitary gonadotropin or vitamin E.

Herbal prescription treatment: Epimedium 50 grams, psoralen 9 grams, cooked Aconite 9 grams, stalactites 30 grams, 15 grams of Schisandra, dodder 30 grams of Jianzhi plus rice wine 90 grams and 60 grams of brown sugar, seasoning feed service, 1 day For 7 days. 25 grams of epimedium, 25 grams of Yang Qishi, 20 grams of meat from Rong, 20 grams of Dodder, 20 grams of Dipsacus, 20 grams of eucommia, 20 grams of Codonopsis, 20 grams of licorice, 15 grams of Radix Astragali, 15 grams of honeysuckle, and plantain 15 grams, Jianshui spices clothing, 1 day, and even 3 doses.

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