Feeding management of young ostriches

Brooding conditions

In the feeding and management of young ostriches, the conditions for brooding must be met first, and proper temperature, humidity, ventilation, and suitable stocking density must be mastered.

Suitable temperature, humidity

One-week-old chicks are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. When the ostrich chicks are warm on the back and cold on the abdomen, the yolks in the abdomen are poorly absorbed or not absorbed at all. This has greatly reduced the survival rate of young ostriches. In order to keep warm and protect the cold, the cage should be laid on the ground. If the condition is cold, electric heating plates or other insulation equipments can be used to promote the absorption of yolk, so that the gastric juice can flow and promote digestion. In the feeding and management process, it is necessary to observe the movement and status of young ostriches frequently, and adjust the temperature in accordance with the normal conditions. For example, young ostriches are crowded together, appetite and energy are lacking, and quaking tremors are generated. This is a sign that the temperature is slightly lower. It should be warmed up. At the same time, young ostriches should be prevented from being suffocated and suffocated. If the young ostrich gasping for breath, drinking plenty of water, and spreading wings to heat, loss of appetite to refuse to eat, this is the performance of high temperature, use more water, less grass or remove insulation equipment and other measures to reduce the temperature. Suitable temperature in the brooding room: hatching young ostriches should be kept above 24°C within 2 weeks of age, and then be gradually reduced to 18°C; broiler chicks or brooding cages hatched after chicks are broiled and hatched at 35°C on the first day of age (brooding) Room temperature is 25°C). It should reach 33°C to 36°C within 1 week of age, 3°C per week from the second week, and 0.5°C per day after 1 month of age. Generally 2 months to 3 months of age will defer temperature. From 1 week to 4 weeks of age, when the weather is clear and high temperatures, young ostriches are allowed to put on the sports ground for activity and sun exposure. During the hot summer season, shades or sunshades are required on the playground to reduce the temperature in the brooding room.

In addition to adjusting the temperature required for young ostriches, the appropriate humidity for brooding sheds, brooding and brooding cages is also important. In particular, changes in the humidity requirements during brooding and ostrich periods are strongly influenced by the humidity of the embryo during incubation. If the humidity during the incubation period is low, dehydration may occur after the chicks have hatched and affect their survival rate. Humidity must be adjusted in time, such as measures to increase the humidity and supply nutrient solution. If the humidity during the incubation period is high, brooded ostrich edema occurs. The relative humidity in the brooding house is generally 50% to 55%. With the increase of the age of young ostriches, the ostrich’s humidity requirements are not very strict and can be adapted within the range of 50% to 75%. However, the humidity during the rainy season should be properly reduced. The principle of grasping the humidity is that the humidity in the early brooding period should be lower than that in the later brooding period. The humidity in the rainy season should be lower than the humidity in the dry season.

Feeding density must be reasonable

It is necessary to ensure that the brooding house has a certain space for the activity of chickling ostriches in order to benefit the growth and development of young ostriches. According to the farmer's experience, the one-week-old chicks in the brooding house average an area of ​​0.25 square meters each, and will be expanded by 10% per week thereafter. At 3 months of age, the young birds will each have an average area of ​​2 square meters. In addition to the brooding houses, the sports grounds The average area of ​​each area is 5 square meters, gradually expanding to 10 square meters, in order to calculate the size of the sports field. With the increase of the age of the month, it is necessary to feed in groups to reduce the stocking density.

Pay attention to ventilation and lighting

When adjusting the temperature and humidity inside the brooding room, attention should be paid to opening the ventilation and ventilation of the windows to discharge the ammonia gas produced by bird urine in the house to facilitate the healthy growth of the young ostriches. However, in the winter to avoid the wind, ventilation should be warmed up, avoid direct blow in the young ostrich body, so as not to catch a cold caused by the young ostrich cold. In addition, light has a great effect on the normal feeding, drinking, and activities of young ostriches, which can increase the body's immunity and disease resistance. In order to make young ostriches see the sun in winter, the brooding house can be built into a glass greenhouse. In the summer sports field, trees or sheds should be planted to allow the young ostriches to move and rest in the shade to prevent exposure to heat.

Feeding management method

The egg yolk in the belly of newly hatched young ostriches can provide nutrients for 2 days to 3 days without feeding. After 2 days to 3 days, when the yolk nutrients are basically absorbed, the young ostriches will eat, if it is too early or too late. Eating starts all affect growth and development. The young ostriches can feed the wet mixed concentrate after 1 hour to 2 hours after the first drink. After the start of eating, the mixed concentrates can be mixed without wet mixing to prevent the long-term feeding of wet materials causing the indigestion of the young ostriches. Granules can be fed but not allowed to cause constipation or diarrhea.

The green-green feedstuffs that young chicks feed include quail, clover leaves, cabbage leaves, lettuce leaves, and carrots. However, the feed should be washed, dried, chopped and then fed. The chopped green and green stalks and the green feed containing residual pesticides should be banned. Feed 4 to 5 times daily. With the increase of the age of birds, the amount of feed for green feed should also be gradually increased. The amount of roughage for young ostriches up to 3 months can account for 40%, and the ostrich concentrate can still contain about 50% of grass powder, but it is necessary to prevent fine feed. Too much feeding causes the ostrich to gain too much weight and causes bones and joints to deform and develop leg problems. Since the feedstuffs eaten by ostriches can be ground in the muscles and stomachs, each of the ostriches is replenished with 4 to 5 insoluble grits washed and dried every 2 weeks after hatching. Young ostriches have a habit of eating anything. Therefore, in the feed, it is necessary to prevent the ingestion of insoluble substances such as broken glass, branches, nails, iron wire, and plastic sheeting so as to avoid indigestion, pre-gastric obstruction, or ingestion by ostriches. Incurable diseases such as stab wounds. In the evening, because the young ostriches do not live and feed, they can not feed at night. In order to facilitate feeding and management, group rearing needs to be rearranged according to body size.

The disease resistance of young ostriches is poor, and intensive feeding is more likely to infect and spread diseases. Therefore, we must do a good job in sanitation and disinfection. Clean feces and sundries every day, keep odor-free in the brooding house, and disinfect regularly or irregularly. Wash and dry food, drinking utensils, litter, and insulation equipment. Use appropriate amount of potassium permanganate in the insulation room. Marin fumigation disinfection, sports venues can be used 2% to 3% caustic soda wet, after disinfection with fresh water showering the ground. Straw mats can be sterilized with sunlight exposure. In the breeding area, disinfection pools or disinfection basins shall be provided for import and export.

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