The key to the management of high-yield wheat

After the “grass rain” has just passed, the wheat in the southwestern wheat area of ​​China has entered the grain filling stage, and the wheat fields in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have entered the flowering stage. The heading period between the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers has begun. The southern headland of the Huanghuaihai wheat region has begun to pick the flag, the central flag, the northern booting, and the northwestern wheat area. Coming soon into the booting stage, most of the country's wheat areas have entered or are entering the late stage of growth and development of the yield formation stage. In recent days, there have been more rainy weather conditions in the main wheat producing areas. Wheat experts urgently proposed that the four measures should be highlighted and the post-field management should be strengthened with a focus on preventing and controlling diseases, pests and fisheries.

The first is to pay close attention to the Qing Ditch Drainage southern wheat area should be the Qing Dali Li River as an important part of the recent wheat field management, clean up the wheat field "three ditch", reduce the humidity in the field, to reach the drought can be poured, energy can be discharged, the rain stopped There is no accumulation of water in the field, improving the aeration conditions of the soil, protecting the wheat from waterlogging, and preventing the occurrence and harm of panicle diseases such as wheat scab.

The second is to pay close attention to pest control This year, the precipitation in the southern wheat area is in line with the grouting during the flowering period of wheat, which is very beneficial to the occurrence and epidemic of panicle diseases such as head blight. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the key points. Focus on pesticide application and preservation. To catch good weather spraying pesticides, use 50% carbendazim WP per acre 100 grams, dubbed 1000 times evenly sprayed wheat spikes, for re-issued fields, to spray 2 times, time interval 5- 7 days. At the same time, all wheat areas should pay close attention to rust, powdery mildew, and aphid control. When the rate of rust diseased plants reaches 1%-2% and the rate of diseased leafy mildew reaches 10%, triadimefon 15% wettable powder 50g per acre, plus 50 kg of water for large-scale foliar spray; when the wheat spear When aphids reach 500 per 100 plants, they use 10% of 50% anti-inflamy WP, 20g of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder, and 50 kg of water per acre for spraying.

Thirdly, timely fertilization and watering of wheat, the ability of roots to absorb nutrients from the soil gradually weakens, and prone to premature aging, and targeted extra-root fertilizers should be targeted. For wheat fields with pale leaf color and premature aging after heading, 50-60 kg of 1%-2% urea solution can be used for foliar spraying per acre; for wheat fields lacking phosphorus and potassium nutrition, 50-60 kg can be used per acre. 0.3%-0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for foliar spray; for zinc deficiency and boron-deficient wheat fields, 50-60 kg 0.1% zinc sulfate or 0.1% borax solution can be used for foliar spraying per mu. Prevent premature aging and lodging. Wheat fields in irrigated wheat fields in Huanghuaihai Wheat Region and Northwest Wheat Region, if there is no effective rainfall during the flowering period of wheat, should flower water during the flowering period, and can also be poured in the early filling stage. Pay attention to the wind without pouring to prevent lodging.

The fourth is to prevent rotten fields in the late wax-maturing stage. The leaves of the plants are dry yellow, the stems are still resilient, and the ears and the stems under the ear turn yellow. The whole plant is yellow, green and yellow, which is what farmers say Section waist." This period is the heaviest dry matter in wheat grains and is the most suitable harvest period. We must seize the fine weather and harvest wheat in a timely manner to prevent bad rain from happening.

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