Winter pruning of apple trees is necessary to master "heating"

The growth of fruit trees and the performance of results are a measure of the correctness of pruning techniques. Winter pruning of apple trees affects the yield and quality of the jubilee to some extent. Therefore, it is particularly important to master the “heating” of apple tree pruning in winter.

Scaled saplings must be trimmed to correct the tendency of all shoots to be placed. Duty shoots, back uprights, overlapping branches, and excessively strong competition branches must be removed. As early as possible, branches should be lightly cut and long, and the branches after a large number of results should not be put in endlessly and long-term. Should be based on the performance of the fruit tree, with a plan and purpose to carry out different degrees of retraction, in order to prevent the results of the site outside the shift, the poor coloring of the fruit of the internal hemorrhoids. With the expansion of the canopy, consideration must be given to balance between growth and results, as well as ventilation and light transmission between the rows and crowns. Every year growth period should carefully observe the pruning response of fruit trees. The fruit tree itself is a living recorder. For example, some trees have a large number of branches, and the result is less. This shows that the cuts are too heavy and have too many heads, so that the vegetative growth takes the main part. On the contrary, some trees are short and short, resulting in excessive results, indicating that the pruning is too light and reproductive growth accounts for the main body.

Branching and opening angles There are a large number of apple trees in production that have too many large branches, too dense tree crowns, and the main branch angle does not open, resulting in poor results. When pruning in winter, if there are too many main branches and the side branches of the door are too large, it is necessary to cut off the excess branches year by year because the trees are trimmed by the trees and the requirements of the trees are required. The trees with unopened tree crowns should use the methods of changing heads, stays, pulls, or back branches to open the main branch angles. If necessary, the “three saws” method can be used to increase the main branch angle. As long as unnecessary giant branches are removed and the angle of the main branch is opened, the tree-trend will naturally be reduced, and the problem of insufficient illumination will be solved, and flower buds will be formed in large numbers.

As the tree pruning handles the perennial branch of the main branch, it must be dealt with promptly to prevent the tree from growing. For the marshal species with short fruit branch results, before the vegetative growth has not been converted to reproductive growth, it is necessary to put more and less short and short cuts, single axis extension, no fruit shrinkage, increase the opening angle of the shoots, and excessive branch weight. Branches, it is strictly forbidden to see the branches cut. Over-sized flower buds of the old year tree should pay attention to short growth. The young trees with few flower buds must retain flower buds in every possible way. The outer branches of the flower buds that are easy to form must be cut lightly and long, and the results of flower buds should be used to increase the annual output. Dwarfing the red Fuji apple tree is prone to appear strong and weak, and the dryness tends to weaken. The lower branch or auxiliary branch must be removed, and the side branch must be strictly controlled to ensure that dry stem has an absolute advantage.

Sencha  is a type of Japanese ryokucha (green tea) which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water. This is as opposed to Matcha , powdered Japanese green tea, where the Green Tea Powder is mixed with hot water and therefore the leaf itself is included in the beverage. Sencha is the most popular tea in Japan.


Sencha accounts for 75% of green tea produced in Japan. It is the most popular and common tea in Japan and served for daily drinking use.
At the tea garden (open-air tea field) buds are picked from plants fully exposed to sunlight, then are stemed and dried as they are kneaded. Sencha has a unique fresh aroma and refined astringency.
Although all Sencha contains caffeine the efficacy of the caffeine in green tea is mild in the presence of other nutrients and vitamins. Nevertheless it does revitalize and wake the drinker in a healthy manner. That is why green tea first came to Japan as a medicine and incidentally there are many Japanese proverbs that refer to its awakening effect in the morning. Our Sencha is only selected from Uji region, is grown under the sun without a cover. The process of making sencha is the same as gyokuro, After picked, the news buds are steamed and kneaded as they are dried, after aracha manufacture process, it goes to shiagecha manufacturing process, need -like leaves are evenly producted.

Organic Sencha

Organic Sencha Tea,Organic Sencha,Sencha Matcha Green Tea,Sencha Tea Powder