Low-temperature management of fish ponds

Keeping the water level in the pond stable and improving the water level during the winter and winter seasons, increasing the water volume can not only maintain a relatively stable water temperature, but also improve the water quality conditions. The water level of the pond is maintained at 1.8-2.0 meters. When the water level drops by 10-15 cm, fresh water is added to keep the water level and water quality of the pond stable. Regularly adjust the pond with water quality. Add fresh water once every 10 to 15 days, 20 to 30 centimeters each time, and drain old water properly. Sprinkle 1 lime slurry every 15 to 20 days to increase the calcium content in the water. Phosphate fertilizer is applied once every 20 days or so to increase the amount of phosphorus in the water body, enhance the cold resistance of the fish, and increase oxygen in time. Maintain dissolved oxygen in the water to properly reduce the density of fish culture and prevent the occurrence of hypoxia-dead fish due to excessive fish density. If the phenomenon of freezing in the whole pool occurs, it is necessary to break ice and increase oxygen in time. Reasonable feeding to improve disease resistance in the cold winter, appropriate supplementary feeding of concentrate feed can improve the survival rate of fish. When the water temperature is above 5°C, it is generally fed for 3 to 5 days. The daily feeding amount is 0.5% to 1.0% of the body weight of the fish. When the water temperature rises above 8°C, the water activity is enhanced when the water temperature rises above 8°C. Appropriately increase feed intake. Minimize the operation during severe cold season, suspend fishing operations, and try to avoid the operation of pulling the fish ponds and broodstock pools to avoid mechanical damage to the fish. Strengthen disease prevention and control In the winter and winter season, due to the low water temperature, the immunity of the fish is reduced, the disease resistance is weak, and it is susceptible to infection and infestation by fungi and parasites (Myxosporidium, Oblique, etc.), and strict preventive measures must be taken. Disinfect water regularly.

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