Pest control in maize booting stage

Corn corn stubble often occurs during the jointing and booting stage of corn and heading stage. Corn borer is a borer pest. The larvae, such as stems and stems between stems and leaves, feed on the pith to affect nutrient transmission. The damaged seed is not full or even kernel-free. The stem bar is easily blown by the wind, resulting in a serious reduction in production. After the corn leaves are punctured by larvae, rows of small holes appear on the unfolded corn leaves. Larvae can also be drilled into male inflorescences, often resulting in the breakage of the male inflorescence base. Larvae often feed on the filaments and tender pods of the female ear, and can invade the cob or eat young seeds.

Prevention of corn mash should be taken using the following agents: 1.5% phoxim granules, 1 to 2 kg per mu, add fine soil or fine river sand 5 times to mix, thrown into the bell; can also use 80% trichlorfon soluble Powder 1000-1500 times liquid irrigation leaves, 100 per kilogram of liquid perfusion; can also be sprayed with 20% of emulsifiable concentrate EC 400 times, or 2.5% deltamethrin (dichlormic) EC 400 times.

At the same time, attention should also be paid to the investigation of armyworm and aphids. When the population of worms reaches a certain density, they must be prevented and treated in time. For corn, small spot disease and rust, we must be diligent in checking and early prevention and treatment.

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