The biology and pond aquaculture technology of stingray

Yellow mullet (Pelteobagrus fulvdraco), commonly known as squid, yellow gull, yellow ladin, etc. The stingray inhabits in the calm water, flows in the benthic habitat, inhabits the bottom of the water during the day, and swims to the upper floor for food at night, and has strong adaptability to the environment. In the waters of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ditches, and ponds in China All of them can survive and are common economic fish. The fish is very popular because of its delicate meat, delicious meat, and less intermuscular puncture. In recent years, the market demand is increasing day by day. In the natural waters, the stingray resources are drastically reduced and the prices are higher. Both the high-end hotels and ordinary restaurants are highly sought-after; and this fish has a mixed diet, a low feed coefficient, and strong disease resistance. No matter whether it is the main pond cultivation, farming, or cage culture, it can obtain high yield and economic benefits. It is a new culture species worthy of development.

First, biological characteristics
1, living habits and dietary stingray survival temperature 0 °C -38 °C. The suffocation point is 0.314 mg/L at a water temperature of 28-29°C, which shows that there is a strong adaptability in a low-oxygen environment and it can survive several hours after leaving the water (keeping a certain humidity).
The feeding habit of the stingrays is omnivorous and meat-eating. The food habits of the stingrays differ depending on the size of the individual. Feeding of zooplankton (rotifers, copepods and cladocerans) and artificial diets such as egg yolks began on the fifth day after the larvae were released. About 5 cm in length, the main foods are cladocera, copepods, chironomid larvae, and silkworms. More than 10 cm in length, the main foods are: snails, shrimp, fish, Coleoptera larvae, insects, poly grass, plant fibrous roots and artificial feed. Stingrays are small and medium sized fish. The average fish in rivers weighs about 100 grams and the largest individual can reach more than 500 grams.
2. Reproductive habits Scarlet catfish are generally mature in two winters, and the absolute fecundity of mature females is 2000-6000 grains. Eggs are oblate, light yellow, and submerged. The egg membrane is transparent and highly viscous. After absorbing water, the egg diameter is 1.86-2.26 mm. In natural waters, the breeding temperature of the stingray is 21-28°C. Before the oviposition, the males first use the pectoral fins to sweep impurities and dirt on the bottom of the water to form a shallow butterfly fish nest, and then wait for the females to lay eggs on them. Ejaculation, produced in several batches, a fish nest about 25 cm in diameter. The females leave the nest after spawning, and only the male guards near the nest. They use the pectoral fins to keep the flow of water, hatch the eggs and care for the larvae until the larvae are able to feed themselves (approximately 5-7 days).

Second, the artificial breeding technology broodstock selection: In the breeding season (usually from mid-May to mid-July), the female abdomen enlargement and expansion of the soft, slightly swollen red genital hole protruding slightly, gently press the abdomen with a sense of mobility. Male reproductive mastoids are reddish and inflated.
1. Natural reproduction in ponds Choose mature male and female brooders, and place them in a thoroughly disinfected pond or breeding pond at a ratio of 1:1 so that they can be paired naturally. Put some branches, polyethylene net sheets, etc. into the nest for spawning and laying eggs. This method has a high fertility rate and the survival rate is not high. The reason is that the spawning time is not uniform, the seed size is inconsistent, resulting in mutual killing. In addition it is not easy to fish seedlings. Fertilized eggs can also be collected and hatched.
2, artificial oxytocin hatching select mature male and female broodstock, according to male to female ratio of 1:1-2. Hormone aphrodisiac, natural spawning. The oxytocins were pituitary gland (PG), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), oxytocin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LRH-A), dominone maleate (DOM), etc. . Dosage increases or decreases according to temperature and broodstock maturation. The injection site is the base of the pectoral fin, which is injected by two needles. The needle distance is 10-18 hours. The male fish is injected with half the dose of the female and the first needle is not injected. The effect time is 8-15 hours. The spawning pond is a cement pond of 12-20 square meters, water depth is 0.6-0.8 meters, static water is filled or fresh water is added intermittently, brown fish is used to make fish nests, and brown tablets are clamped in bamboo rafts to form a row and then pressed with bricks. The bottom of the pool is flat. Stingrays are spawned on several occasions. Eggs are concentrated on a single fish nest and are round. The second eggs are still covered, and the spawning duration is 1-2 hours. This method has high fertilization rate and high hatching rate. It can obtain large quantities of well-developed seedlings and is also easy to fish.

Third, develop technology
1. Seedlings After culturing the stingrays for 3-4 days, the yolk sac disappears and they begin to swim flatly. The larvae mainly feed the egg yolk pulp and salvaged zooplankton. When the juveniles reach 3 cm in length after 20-30 days from the membrane, they can be reared or reared in ponds.
Sterile fish breeding pool area to 1-2 acres of water depth of 1.2 meters is appropriate, under the pond before the need to thoroughly clear the pond, disinfection, and put about 300 kg of decomposed manure, the implementation of fertilizer pool. Stocking density is 50,000-80,000 mu per mu. When the fry grows to more than 1 cm, the ponds are grading and feeding. After the bait station is set in the sub-culture pool, after 1-2 weeks of domestication, artificial diets can be fed on the bait station (the crude protein content requires more than 32%), and the daily feeding amount is 3-5% of the fish's body weight. It is mainly evening. According to the fish's eating and drinking conditions, weather, and water quality are properly adjusted. Change water by 1/4--1/3 every half month to keep the water quality live and cool.
2. Adult fish breeding
(1) The owner of the pond shall have sufficient water sources, good water quality, convenient earth and canister irrigation and cement pools, with an area of ​​2-3 mu and a water depth of 1.5-2 meters. Generally, they are stocked in the annual 3- to 4-month months, and ponds should be dredged and disinfected before stocking. Three days after disinfection, 0.8--1 m of water was added and then organic fertilizer was applied. After the toxicity completely disappeared, the acre was stocked with about 2500-3000 tail fish of about 10 grams of winter flesh, and the other with 15-20 centimetres of sturgeon species of 150 tails to adjust the water quality. The breeding 2-2-3 cm seedlings were planted with 1500--2000 tails, and the sturgeon and carp species of 5-10 cm were reared when the stingrays reached about 7 cm. The fish species of that year can also develop 100--150 grams of commercial fish. Fish species should be bathed with 3-5% 5% saline for 10-15 minutes before stocking. Feeding with artificial cooperating baits or stingrays exclusively for stingrays, can also be fed with animal feed such as small fish and shrimp, snail meat, livestock and poultry processing plants waste, fish meal, etc., or can be cast beancake, peanut cake, bran Skin, bean dregs and other plant feeds. Invest once each morning and evening, 1/3 am and 2/3 pm. Pay attention to keeping the water fresh and adequate oxygen. About 10 to 15 centimeters of water will be added in about 10 days from July to September. Keep about 35 centimeters of transparency. Day-to-day management should also strengthen disease prevention and regularly sterilize pool water (usually for one month). Under normal breeding conditions, the pond can produce 200-300 kg of commercial fish per acre. The main care for the stingray pond should pay special attention to the fact that it is best to artificially propagate the seedlings, such as the natural seedlings, the specification requirements are neat, to avoid self-mutilation, and to ensure the survival rate.
(2) If the pond is raised in a special feed for stingrays and there is no sufficient supply of feed for small sturgeon, etc., it can be used to raise the yellow sturgeon winter piece in the pond of the main raising fish or 2-year breeding. 3 cm seedlings. The conventional cultured species and the proportion of the main pond culture are still unchanged according to the original culture method. The stocking density is 80-150 pieces, and the daily management is also performed according to the normal operation specification. The 10 g of yellow catfish winter cake is passed 5-6. Months, can grow to 60-120 grams, per acre to get 10 kg of stingray commercial fish. Nesting of stingrays seldom suffers from bacterial diseases, but is susceptible to parasitic diseases. Stingrays are infertile fish and are sensitive to Trichlorfon and other drugs and should be used with caution.
(3) Cage culture The cage culture of stingray is a new type of culture system that has been developed on the basis of the success of preliminary small-scale tests in recent years, and has achieved good economic benefits.
1 The choice of water area is best to choose outboard, wide water area under the dam upstream of the reservoir, transparency is about 1 meter, dissolved oxygen is above 5mg/L, pH is 7.0--8.0, organic oxygen consumption is less than 10mg/L, ammonia nitrogen Below 0.02 mg/L, total nitrogen does not exceed 0.5 mg/L, and nitrite is below 0.01 mg/L.
2 Net cage structure and setup Net cages are made of polyethylene mesh sheets. Specifications and screen meshes vary depending on the size of the seed to be placed. Box depth requires 2 meters. The cage is set up with a box frame made of rough bamboo, fir, waste oil barrels and other materials. The cages are arranged in "1", "Non" and "Product" fonts. The box distance is between 2 and 3 meters. One week before stocking, fish cages were placed in water to make the cage wall adhere to algae and reduce scraping of fish.
3 Fish breeding Stocks of stingray cages are usually stocked at a density of 100-150/m2. It is possible to raise the head of a raccoon bird and the scales of the sphenopalatophorax and fully utilize the feed to purify the cage water.
4 Day-to-day management feeding management with the stingray pond main support.

Fourth, disease control Stingray is a fish without scales, the drug is relatively easy to directly into the body from the skin and other factors, relatively speaking, the sensitivity of the drug is high. The 24-hour lethal concentration of commonly used aquatic drugs for sturgeon is: copper sulfate 0.69 mg/L; 90% crystal trichlorfon 2.8 mg/L; salt 2.5%; formalin 68 mg/L; /L; At the same time, it is sensitive to potassium permanganate, and it should be used with caution. Several common, frequently occurring and control methods for stingray culture are as follows:
1. The cause of hemorrhagic edema disease is bacteria. It is most detrimental to the seedlings and adult fishes. It can be seen that the diseased fish keeps rotating in the water and will soon die. In the hot season, there was an outbreak that was fierce and spread rapidly. When the water temperature was between 25 and 300C, the disease died.
The main symptoms are yellowing of the fish's body and increased mucus. The skin of the pharynx is damaged and congested with round holes; the abdomen is swollen and the anus is red and swollen; the head is congested, the dorsal fins are swollen, the base of the pectoral and pelvic fins is congested, and the fins fester. The abdomen extends from the pectoral fins to the pelvic fins and bile extravasation. Abdominal cavity water or yellow jelly, no food in the intestine, yellow pus in the intestine, yellow liver, spleen necrosis, and mildew spots on the kidney. Control methods:
1 Pay attention to water quality, maintain good pond environmental conditions, and appropriately reduce the stocking density of fry.
2 Trichloroisohydrouric acid (CTTA) 0.2--0.3mg/L water disinfection once a day for three consecutive days.
3 Add 1% salt daily when feeding fish paste.
2. The pathogen of enteritis is spotted Aeromonas niger. The main hazards are seedlings and adult fish. The pathogens survive in the pond's silt and are more easily transmitted to diseases.
The main symptoms: diseased fish swimming alone, abdominal enlargement, anal swelling, light pressure on the abdomen, anal yellow mucus outflow, esophagus and forefoot congestion and inflammation, severe cases of inflammation of the whole intestines was light red, blood filled the intestines. Control methods:
1 Pay attention to the water quality, maintain a good pond environment, and thoroughly disinfect the pond; fish species should be bathed with 2- 3% salt in front of the pond.
2 Adhere to not feeding moldy, spoiled feeds; Live fresh animal feeds are bathed with 2–3% salt or added with 1% salt; or 0.1% garlic juice is added.
3 Pathogenic pools were treated with 0.2-0.3mg/L trichloroisohydrouric acid (CTTA), disinfected with water, and furazolidone 3-5 g or oxytetracycline 5 g was added per 100 kg feed. Once a day for 7 days.
3, the pathogen of water mould is water mould. The main hazards are seedlings and adult fish, which seriously damage the eggs.
The main symptoms are: the eggs grow hairy and become white pompons; the sick fish? C weakly swim alone, grow white hair until the muscle rots. Control methods:
1 Thoroughly sterilize the pond; use a 2 to 3% salt bath in front of the fish pond.
2 In the course of fishing, transportation and stocking, avoid injury to fish.
4. The pathogen of the small melon worm is a small worm. The main damage seed and adult fish.
The main symptoms: the skin, ray, and ridge of the diseased fish. White punctate cysts can be seen with the naked eye. The diseased fish reacts slowly or floats on the water. Due to bacterial infection at the lesion, the fish body became inflamed or local necrosis and fins were rotten. Stingray has a susceptibility to echinococcosis and fulminant death after onset. Control methods:
1 The pond lime is thoroughly disinfected; the fish species are immersed in the pond before the drug bath and the reasonable stocking densities.
2 In the initial stage of disease, soak in formalin 60--80mg/L for 10-20 minutes, use it once more every other day, and then feed in the pool. The original pool is completely sterilized with formalin.
5. The pathogens of oblique tubeworm and trichodinosis are the oblique tubeworm and trichoderma, and the common is complications, which mainly damage the seed and adult fish.
The main symptoms: the diseased fish's fins and mucus on the sputum form a pale or light blue mucus layer. Unresponsive, head down, tail up or lying under water. Severe infection, the diseased fish showed a "race horse" phenomenon. In the rainy, continuous water temperature of 18 - 280C cases of hair. Control methods:
1 The pond is completely disinfected with quick lime;
2 Bathing with 1- 2mg/L copper sulfate, depending on the water temperature.
3 Use 0.4--0.5mg/L copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate mixture to spray over.
6. The cause of a nutritional disease is caused by too much or too little nutrients in feed, degeneration of feed ingredients, or lack of energy.
The main symptoms: Common hepatomegaly, pink or yellow color, gallbladder enlargement, bile black. Sick fish die sporadically, and the first to die is the largest individual. Control methods:
Improve formulas, improve feed quality, and add vitamins and mineral salts as appropriate.
In short, the concentration of the anti-disease medication for stingrays must be noted that the amount used is generally lower than the conventional dose of squama, and special monitoring must be performed after the drug is administered. After 3 hours, a large amount of water is flushed to the fish pond to prevent chronic drugs. harm.

Mung Beans (Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek.), belongs to the bean.Alias green bean, (name) for the color green, Lu Beans, beans, etc., in China has more than two thousand years of cultivation history.Country of origin in India and Burma.Now common among east Asian countries, Africa, Europe, the United States also have a small amount of planting, such as China, Burma are green beans major exporter.Seeds and stems are widely used.Work in the skin of mung bean heat, detoxification in the meat.Green bean soup is a regular summer heat drink, clear heat, cocktail for young and old.Traditional green bean products have green bean cake, green bean, green bean cake, green Red Bean, mung bean starch sheet, etc.


Mung Beans

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