Cabbage rosette focus on management

The rosette period is a critical period for the growth of Chinese cabbage. At this time, the growth rate is fast, and the roots and leaves grow vigorously, but it is also a critical period for the occurrence of diseases. In terms of management, it is necessary to promote rapid leaf growth, to form the largest area of ​​leaf assimilation as soon as possible, to promote the rapid development of root systems, and to control long-lasting leaves to prevent disease and damage.

Fertilizer management. During the rosette period of Chinese cabbage, the growth rate and growth amount are very fast, and the amount of fertilizer is required to increase. The early stage of the rosette should be topped with fertilizer, and 8 to 10 kg of urea should be applied per mu. The method is to open a 10 cm sulcus on one side of the ridge, fertilize and seal the ditch, and pay attention to minimize root damage. During the ball stage, the amount of water required is large. It should be combined with topdressing to fully fill the water. Normally it should be used once every 7 days to keep it moist. Stop watering 10 days before harvest, usually 7 days once, keep the ground moist. Stop watering 10 days before harvest.

Seedlings promote roots. From the middle stage of rosette to the bulb stage, Chinese cabbage was controlled by watering and seedlings were planted. The control was prosperous, which resulted in the thickening of the leaves, the development of the root system, the accumulation of nutrients, the reduction of humidity in the field, and the occurrence and development of diseases. The seedling time ranges from 10 to 20 days, and the leaf color changes from green to yellow or slightly wilting at noon. The following conditions were less seedlings: short-growing and fast-growing varieties, late sowing, transplanting of large seedlings, poor seedlings, high dry and dry temperatures, and lack of water and sand-fed land.

Pest Control. The diseases of Chinese cabbage during the rosette period mainly consisted of downy mildew and soft rot. Control methods: First, control humidity to prevent downy mildew and soft rot. The second is to find the disease, timely medication, and control the development of the disease.

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