Flock prevention and control measures

1 Control the occurrence of diseases Strengthen management, formulate scientific and reasonable immunization procedures and implement them effectively and efficiently, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of chronic infectious diseases and poisoning diseases. Strengthen the work of sanitation and epidemic prevention, regular disinfection, not only to disinfect once outside the house once a week, but also to adhere to the sterilization of chickens twice a week, which has a great effect on the purification of the environment and the prevention and treatment of ectoparasites.
2 Ensure that the total amount of feed nutrients balances during growth of chicken feathers, sulfur amino acids should be fully satisfied, the ratio of cystine, methionine, and sulfate in feed should be 50:41:9. At the same time, it should also meet the other nutritional needs of chickens, especially vitamins, minerals and other trace elements in the nutritional balance, to ensure that feed nutrition can fully meet the needs of chickens.
3 Strengthen feeding and management By improving facilities such as heating, ventilation, cooling, and lighting, improve the responsibility of the keeper and ensure that the temperature in the house is maintained within the range of 10 to 25°C. In the cold winter, under the premise of ensuring the temperature, increase the ventilation as much as possible to achieve ventilation and reduce the humidity. During the hot summer months, we can start the wet curtain cooling system and increase the ventilation to maximize the wind speed and reduce the temperature. At the same time, in the daily management work, the flock should be observed at any time and the flow of the drinking water system should be ensured to ensure that sufficient and good-quality drinking water is supplied to the flock throughout the day, and the drinking fountains should be kept clean. In addition, the density should be appropriate, the light can not be too strong and so on. Only in this way can you avoid the stress caused by temperature, humidity, ventilation, drinking water, light, etc. to the flock, and you can avoid the phenomenon of de-feathering.


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